Of course, that thinking was influenced by two incorrect assumptions: (1) that the great crowd would reside in heaven and (2) that the great crowd would be made up of less zealous Christians."
And (3) They know WTF they are talking about
for lurkers: current study article 1st december wt.
in sept. study edition.
details hidden in the discussion: a pair of 'elephants in the room', and their calves.
Of course, that thinking was influenced by two incorrect assumptions: (1) that the great crowd would reside in heaven and (2) that the great crowd would be made up of less zealous Christians."
And (3) They know WTF they are talking about
the book study this week dealt with jesus and the 10 lepers.
we have long been told that the isolation of lepers was an application of scientific wisdom long before it was understood in any other context.
well, yes it could be said that this quarantining did help protect those uninfected.
The book study this week dealt with Jesus and the 10 lepers. We have long been told that the isolation of lepers was an application of scientific wisdom long before it was understood in any other context.
Well, yes it could be said that this quarantining did help protect those uninfected. However, it is now known that extensive contact is necessary io transmit the disease to others.
How the following precautions help I'm not sure. '"his garments should be torn and his head should be left ungroomed and he should cover over his mustache and call out, ‘Unclean, unclean!" Lev 13:45.
The idea of loving provision for the sick doesn’t seem to have be very well understood back then. These unfortunate people shunned for no fault of their own were further condemned by Jesus it seems for forgetting to say thankyou when this was reversed.
Anyway, back to Leviticus. Right, it’s OK. When you are better, there is a procedure to ensure your cleanness. Just see the priest, get a couple of birds, use one living one to spray the blood of the other unlucky one (with some scarlet and hyssop) over you, sleep outside your tent for a week and you should be fine. Phew, that’s all right then.
So when the WT in all its wisdom said the following last year the nonsense and witchdoctor cures contained in Leviticus are worth examining. You can't claim that the text is written by the god of the universe when it contains a germ of wisdom on one hand without questioning the superstitious claptrap on the other.
Isolating sick people.
The Mosaic Law prescribed keeping people with leprosy separate from others. Not until the plagues of the Middle Ages did medical doctors learn to apply this principle, which is still deemed effective. Leviticus Chapters 13 and 4
wp18 No. 1 p. 6
holy shit!
i went to the meeting on thursday night to hear my grandson and my daughter give their "talk" on the misery school!.
the very first part on the next meeting that follows the misery school was a 15-20 minute part, with a video of course, on the many ways to donate money to the wt!
Couldn't agree more. if you need an emetic from the pharmacy, save your money and watch that video.
Give us your money, your estate when you die, your property and any stocks or bonds you may have around. All preceded by how the WT support those made homeless by natural disasters.
Heart-warming, yuk.
here is a screenshot from a youtube video (521 and the circus continues) where anthony morris blasts post-secondary college & university education.
''we will not need doctors or lawyers after armageddon.
so, anthony...what occupations do the society need '' today'' and after armageddon?
Certainly need lawyers now.
' i'm an atheist and i don't need god to give thanks or show gratitude.
jennifer furner,huffpost 3 hours ago .
Good stuff. One of the only good things I can thank the WT for is the remaining belief that death is simply the absence of life, something akin to sleep. It is nothing to fear anymore than sleep is to be feared. The key is recognising our life to be valuable, to make the best of the here and now and not to waste it pining after some future Valhalla.
Well expressed Jennifer.
hey guys, sorry i haven't posed in a while.
this project took a long time to work on with the limited resources we had.
hope you like it.
Good for you. Strut your stuff. It's great to see people tell their honest story and start learning to live a life,
Just one slight concern, what were the images buried in the piece? I caught them but not quickly enough to register. It looked a bit like subliminal advertising, I would like to know.
hey guys, sorry i haven't posed in a while.
this project took a long time to work on with the limited resources we had.
hope you like it.
Got this queued, looking forward to it. An ounce of personal experience is worth a pound of rant.
and much more.. if, for instance, you wan to find out more about what is in the book “studies in the scriptures” and you would like to search it, here is a sample search using the word “babylon”, https://archive.org/details/studies_in_the_scriptures_volume4/page/n193.
Great for research, not so good for mental health. Thanks bud.
for those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
Just read this on my Kindle. A lot of it was familiar numerous chapters having been up-loaded on to this site over the years. To sit down and read it as one account is Both heart-breaking and uplifting.
The simple reduction of long familiar concepts into common sense, no-nonsense logic its magnificent. One example being that of blood guilt. I will not give you Keith's analysis of particular piece of WT bullshit but if you read it you will love it.
So, get a copy, it will be therapeutic.
they come uninvited to your door step and try to discuss bible/wt doctrines with you, and many times or on occasion you do so.. you may even exchange first names with each other , and that is fine if you are happy with that but do you know where they live ?.
but they have an advantage over you .they know your name and where you live .!.
you may know there first name but you don`t know where they live .that is the advantage they have over you.. does it really matter ?
Now in the UK and I think Europe they can’t record it though. That has completely knocked the stasi records culture to pieces.
The “ministry” has been turned on it’s head, they have been effectively been stopped from following up anything but the hottest leads. The takers from outside are almost non-existent so I wouldn’t worry Smiddy, the only way they will have your name etc is if they commit it to memory.